Money-Back Guarantee

I waived my Money-Back Guarantee: What do I do now?

I waived my Money-Back Guarantee: What do I do now?

The money-back guarantee has long been a core aspect of UPS and FedEx's delivery services. Both carriers are committed to meeting guaranteed service commitments and offering full refunds when packages do not arrive on time. However, recently, both carriers have defaulted their carrier agreements to include a waiver to file for Guaranteed Service Refunds, making it difficult for shippers to realize these refunds.

This waiver leaves companies losing 2-10% of their total spend each week, to the benefit of the carriers. To combat this, shippers should contact their carrier representative and request the removal of the Money-Back Guarantee Waiver from their current Agreement. This will hold the carriers accountable to the on-time/accuracy standards they have set for themselves. In some cases, filing for refunds may even improve a shipper's standing with the carriers, creating new opportunities for added value.

Don't let shipping profits slip out the door. If you have any questions on removing your Guaranteed Service Refund waiver, reach out to a team of parcel specialists for assistance.